
I'm back...

I don't know who still reads my blog but I really need an outlet right now.

Yes, I'm still in HK.
Yes, it's been AGES since I last posted anything.
Yes, I've been literally way too busy to have a life outside of the studio.

It is CRAZY right now. We have had at least 2 rounds of lay-offs and there is a plan for one more. "HOW is that possible?", you might say when I've been working overtime every single day for the past few weeks? I can give you a variety of reasons, but if you want the REAL reason, you'll have to ping me and I'll give you the lowdown.

I'm overworked.

I'm so overworked and sick of the time that's wasted here that I'm about to do something drastic.

and I'm not joking.

Should I? That's the million dollar question.... It's 7:30pm HK time right now and I will be working until at least midnight. Ping me at that time and I'll tell you if you should come on over to watch me go postal.



At 5:22 AM, Blogger Master Bull said...

Go with .45 calibre vs 9mm

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

MW2 says M16 with the grenade launcher attachment is the way to go. Skip the silencer

At 10:58 PM, Blogger heyhansen said...

Remember, the right outfit will be key...


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