
"Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment is forever..."

So what's with the guys in HK who just date stewardesses? You've got modelizers -- guys who only date models. But in HK, they're not modelizers, but stewardess-izers :P

I can't even pronounce that.

I guess that's perfect. No real threat of commitment from them, as they're always flying around the world. Is that why guys go for them, besides the fact that they are (not all mind you) beautiful. Or is it about validation?

Or is it just because they like to be around beautiful things?


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd put money that it has something to do with "ego"; these people (and others) define themselves by who they hang out with.

At 1:32 AM, Blogger Master Bull said...

same reason girls go out with bartenders....


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