
give me some sugar baby!

so i'm working out today with SH and from the workout room we can see the two vending machines just outside -- a beverage vending machine and a snack vending machine. we were working out hard as usual and SH goes to me,
you know i always see girls come down and buy junk food from the vending machine whenever i workout here. i've never seen a guy buy anything.

i walk over to the window and stare at the machine filled with chips, chocolate bars, cookies, gum, candy, etc. probably the most healthy item there was a bag of pretzels. so i say to SH,
you know i bet you the guys are just MAKING the girls come down to buy their snacks FOR them!

he looks at me in disbelief and we finish our last set.

throughout the 2.5 hours we were working out, i saw 2 people buying snacks at the machine. and guess what -- they were both girls!

so that got me thinking... are guys just too lazy to take the elevator down to the 2nd floor to get a couple of chocolate bars, or are girls the majority consumer of unhealthy snacks?

just a note: one of the girls bought 3 things! 2 chocolate bars and a bag of chips... ugh... how unhealthy. altho really i was secretly wishing i could have some! ;)


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