
"... you haven't blogged in awhile..."

me: ... yah i know. been busy i guess...

then i thought, what the heck have i been busy with? and the answer came to my head without hesitation -- work. about 2 weeks ago i was incredibly busy - working on a project that will launch in a few days, worldwide, to every employee's desktop. because it was such a high-profile project, a lot of people were getting pretty edgy throughout the workflow process. i slept an average of 3-4 hours per weekday, working close to 16 hours per day with a couple of hours to eat and grab some groceries. that lasted for 2 weeks solid. i did catch a few hours of sleep on the weekend but not too much as i had more work to do.

but to be honest, i actually enjoyed the work i did. even tho i worked so much and my sleep suffered :b i actually love what i do! how many people do you know that can say they love their job?


when you lose respect for someone...

there are a lot of people i respect. my parents for example, my closest friends, my mentor (thanks LF!) people who have fought their way through hard times in all aspects of life, health, etc. i respect people who respect me as a person.

i've come across a number of people in my past, who only respect you for what you can give them and will respect you while you are giving them what they want. then once they're done with you, they throw you out with the garbage.

then the feelings of betrayal come sweeping over you. you feel used, and you find you can't even look them in the eye again because you just can't respect them as a human being anymore.

i'm sad to say that thats happened in the past week. the person i'm talking about is a person in a position of power.

what happened to being a decent human being? i would hope that a person in a position of power would believe respect is a value to practice, and be an example to us all... would you not?


whistler again!

i went up to whistler again this past weekend :D but this time to Whistler side. i tried the green run but it was so icy that falling hurt my bum :( so RC took me up higher... to the blue runs and it was starting to snow! and more snow means softer falls!!!! i was so excited even tho i was starting to get afraid of the steep hills on the blue runs :b

i'm not a great boarder, and even tho i've fallen on the ice SO many times when i used to figure skate, it still hurts my a&& when i fall. i probably got tired more from falling and getting up then boarding itself.

boarding was fun but the snow was coming down so much that all i really wanted to do was lie there in the snow, staring straight up into the white sky and feel the snow falling on my face...