
all hail ben :b

my archives are visible!! thank you ben! :)


the CinMobile RSX has arrived...

yo everyone. the CinMobile is here :) i'm so excited!!!! :D what sucks is that i'm at work and i'll be here until really late :( so i cant keep an eye on my baby! it's not parked far from here... anyone wanna babysit? ;)

i got all-weather mats for the front, but they're already dirty after 1 drive :( gotta ask Mike for some maintenance / interior detailing tips, so that I can keep it clean. should i be treating the carpets with something so that its easier to keep clean? Mike, we gotta do a detailing day when the weather gets warmer! :D


sense... by usana

i've been using a trial pack of Sense... a face cleansing regimen by Usana. its pretty good so far... i've used it since last Thursday. probably won't notice any big difference for another week or so. you see, i'm getting old... have to start taking care of my skin, especially with these scars on the left side of my face :( *sigh*

if any of you want to try it, let me know. i'm a Preferred Customer with Usana because of my Tennis BC membership ;) so i can get products at wholesale prices (which honestly isnt much of a discount, but a few dollars here and there adds up!).

Mom, wanna try it?


i don't understand it. i dont get why my archives aren't showing up? i've asked blogger to help but all they do is point me to an FAQ. sheesh...


rollin.. rollin..

as many of you already know, i've been going to physio for the past month and a half. unfortunately ICBC thinks i'm all better (now that i'm back at work full time) and declined to grant me the full 27 sessions that my physiotherapist had requested. so my physio days are limited :(. it's helped me SO much. here's my plug: www.karprehabilitation.com

i have a ball at work so i think i'll be doing a lot of my exercises there. :) i also have a ball at home, so i'll be set! :) just need a Yoga / Stretching mat now :)