
wine & oyster festival 2005

.. so ok i got sloshed =b

this year was different.. they gave out tickets for oysters and that cut down on the lineups for sure, but i didn't like that idea too much. i spent more of my time tasting the wine tho! ;D

A convinced me to do the oyster-eating contest -- each contestant has to eat 24 oysters in the alloted 30 seconds. the first one who finishes wins a whole case of wine! me, i just wanted to eat more oysters, so i pretty much took my time hahahha.. i had 13 oysters in 30 seconds.. boy were they yummy! :D

i was looking for the apricot dessert wine i liked last year, but couldn't find it.. or maybe i was just too sloshed to know what i had tasted and what i hadn't.. hahaha

can't wait till next year! ;)


the guy at the gym AGAIN...

...yes you guessed it. he was there again...

T: oh hey... another crazy workout?
me: uh, yah...
T: do you mind if i take a look?
me: um sure [trying to look like i'm concentrating hard and continuing with my reps]
T: looks difficult! do you use that thing {bosu ball} for all your exercises?
me: no.
T: ok well i won't bother you...
me: k, thanks.

and he casually plants himself on the one machine closest to the free weights area i was occupying... argh.

5 minutes later i'm at the roman chair and he walks straight towards the ab machine next to me and stands there. i try to ignore him but once my set was done, he started talking to me again...

T: oh how much longer are you here for?
me: uh until 9:30.
T: oh another half an hour!
me: [smile and walk away]

i hope i'm not being mean, but everytime he talks to me i just give him curt and short answers... hoping he'll get the message.

but i guess not cause another 5 minutes pass and he appears out of nowhere right next to the back extension machine AGAIN...

T: ugh, i'm done! your workout looks hard! i think i'll stick to karate.
me: ok. bye.

and he looked surprised and taken aback that i didnt ask him about his karate or was impressed with the fact that he does karate. just the way he said it, he was hoping i would carry the conversation about karate and be wow'd by it.

sorry bud -- that doesn't cut it.


Happy Birthday Will!


love you lots!

bad user experience

why do some sites have an email address where you can contact their customer service department, when no one replies to it?

that's how it is with some companies. their site might look great and their products even greater, but a company's credibility greatly declines with its customers when an attempt at communication via email, isn't acknowledged or even responded to.

try the young women's clothing company, Triple Five Soul. i emailed them with a product inquiry (purchase of a coat) and to this day (it's been 2 weeks), i have yet to hear from them. a male friend of mine emailed them 3 days ago and also has not received a reply. all of the retail companies that i have ever emailed (ie. Gucci, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bebe, BCBG) have answered my inquiry within 24 hours. some companies send an automated reply acknowledging receipt of my email.

so did my email go through? should i send it again? is it lost in cyberspace? is the company just backlogged with email that they can't respond within a reasonable amount of time? or is there even anyone on the other end of that email address? without a response or acknowledgement that i'm a valued customer, its like talking to a wall.


the guy at the gym

... so i was at the gym last night for physio again and this guy that has been asking my gym buddies about me ("who's that cute asian girl in the big boys gym?", "is she single?") came waltzing in. i thought "oh no.." as he sauntered by and casually waved to me. i gave a small smile and proceeded to overly concentrate on my set.

the last time i saw him (2 days ago), he kept hanging around every machine and area i went to, and i guess find a reason to strike up a conversation. i'm sure he's a nice person and all but it started getting annoying, especially since i'm really serious when it comes to my workout. its go-go-go for me -- don't really like to rest inbetween sets...

my gym buddies never really answer his questions with a straight answer. one of them told him that they thought i was seeing this asian dude -- tall, athletic, a lawyer, but i don't think it scared him off.

so anyways, i was hoping T would just do his workout and leave me alone, but of course, he didn't. i was working on my abs with the ball and he comes up to me...

T: hi again.
me: hi.
T: you have a crazy ass workout!
me: [smile]
T: so uh, could you help me out? i'm working on my abs too...
me: (oh what a coincidence :b )
T: ... and i was wondering if you could help me out on them. i saw you do them on the back extension machine.
me: um... what seems to be the problem?
T: well, my side hurts when i do them.

and here i am thinking, uh, they're *supposed* to hurt -- you're working on them aren't you?

me: maybe its your form. you have to make sure you're isolating that area and make sure your feet are planted correctly.
T: oh! no wonder -- cause you look like you know what you're doing...
me: [continuing with my ab exercises]
T: so uh, can you show me?

so i haphazardly show him using the ball instead and he went to try it. so i thought i was rid of him, but he came over 5 minutes later, introduced himself, and started asking me about every exercise i do. so, it was really starting to annoy me! I finally told him that I had to keep going and couldn't chat cause i wasn't allowed to let my heart rate slow down -- which is true -- so he went off and did his own thing.

when i was clearly done, he sauntered over again ...

T: so you're done too eh? hey wanna go for a quick bite to eat?
me: uh.. actually i'm not leaving yet. going to talk to Wil for a bit first.
T: oh ok. well, i'm going to head off. my job is SO busy so i have to go home and get some rest.
me: right. seeya.

man, i don't want to have to hide from this guy everytime i'm at the gym!


welcome to the year 2k5!

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! !

hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. i know i did :D after the trip to NYC, i spent the holidays with family and friends. :D too bad it was so short! :( once i get the pics and video from the camera, i'll post them! :D

i got some of what i wanted for christmas.. not everything tho :b thats ok. i really didn't want a lot anyways.. hahahaha but D gave me the Tachikara vball and earrings (!) so i'm happy :D my mom got me a necklace and earrings. i bought something in new york to treat myself ;). C got me something from Kate Spade and See's Candies!!! *muah* thanks C! :) I also got shimmery Body Shop kit from Hash Queen. she knows i like to bling ;)

still recuperating from all the partying. we went to an after-new year's party on Saturday. yesterday was my first time back at physio. we went to eat, then played tennis!! and then chilled and watched a dvd.

next party is this saturday at the arena. i can't wait! :D