
Sick day at home...

So, I'm finally posting again... let's see how long this lasts :P

LOTS has happened since my first day at work.. so much that I'm not sure where to start :P

I got my HKID 2 weeks after I got here.. no real problems with that. My first month was a bit frightening cause I really didn't know where I was going. I relied a lot on R's help to get around.. when really I probably didn't need any help at all. I mean, come on let's face it, I survived Tokyo for 3 years, I can pretty much survive HK, right?

The same day I got my HKID, I got my first haircut in HK! :) Thanks to KW for the hookup. I also played some vball with an old friend of a friend from Uni AND I saw Bourne Ultimatum! YAY!