
80s cartoons...

HQ, S, and i watched JeM on DVD last night... on a big a*s screen tv!! :D right when the disk loaded, the JeM song came on and HQ and i burst into chorus!.. hahahaha.. it was hilarious. of course, being the oldest there, i remembered the opening theme song off by heart and they apparently hadnt heard it before. yes, that's me -- classic JeM :b

anyways, it got me and HQ thinking... what other 80s cartoons did you like watching? i can honestly say i remember all the words to GI Joe, Muppet Babies, Gummy Bears, He-Man, Transformers...


i hate mosquitos.
they always seem to bite me and not anyone else. i got bit the night before 5 times! :( and i had such a hard time sleeping with the mosquito biting me all night :( i now have a total of 7 mosquito bites :(

i have mosquito repelling incense in the room now and it seems to be working :D now i just have to put up with waiting until my current bites heal... scratch scratch


another cloudy and chilly day...

these past few days have been rainy and chilly... i just feel like cuddling up in a blanket, sipping hot chocolate, and watching a DVD with my honey... :D

but i'm stuck here at work... :(


settling into the morning...

i'm having a tall non-fat latte from Starbucks this morning... made just at the right temperature -- not too hot -- and i never realized how soothing a warm drink can be :) i'm not a big coffee drinker, many of my friends will know, but for some reason, i so much welcomed my non-fat latte :)

m-m-m-m yum.. ;)


trunk of treasures...

i opened the trunk of my car the other day and was surprised at all the stuff i had in it. ever since then if one of my friends opens their car trunk, i compare what they have in there to what i have :b it sure tells a lot about the driver's lifestyle.

in my little trunk, i have:
- 2 tennis racquets
- 3 cans of tennis balls (2 unopened)
- a bamboo beach mat

so i guess that means i like to play tennis and lie on the beach? :b

depending on what i'm doing that day after work, my workout gym bag and my skating bag with skates will make an appearance :) sometimes i'll have a small bag of drycleaning that i need to bring to the drycleaners, or a piece of clothing i need to return to the mall. one day, i had all the above, plus my gym bag, plus my skating bag, plus a change of runners (for volleyball)! that was one tiring day! :D

i've seen trunks that were stuffed with god-knows-what.. what is all that stuff?! ;) severed body parts? hot rims? empty water bottles?


"double, double, toil and trouble"

i went to see Macbeth at Bard last night. Ce and I got great seats about 6 or so rows in the front middle section. i had studied it in high school and saw it in Stratford too. they did a great job! some of the monologues were quite long, like the one between MacDuff and Siward. i was so lost i started looking at their costumes and noticed that most of the men in the play were wearing Docs army boots. i thought to myself, wow, they had Docs back in the 11th century?! and then i told Ce that they were having a rap war in shakespearean language... hahahaha

yah, long monologues were a bit too much for me :b

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y M O M C Y!!

wishing momcy a happy birthday today! :D

:b i would have posted this on momcy's blog but there's no more room to comment!!!


walks along the seawall...

i'd forgotten how wonderful it is to walk along the seawall... especially in the late afternoon when the sun is setting and when i'm with good company. so peaceful, welcoming, warm, and the view! :D

its just me, the water, the sand, and whomever i'm with. makes for a good opportunity to talk, laugh, reflect, rejoice :)


... so i went to the fireworks on wednesday :) it was SO MUCH FUN!!! i remember going to see the fireworks at the summer festivals when i was in japan. me and my friends wore our summer kimono (called yukata), bbq'd on the grass, and drank while watching the fireworks...

we went to the Celebration of Light BBQ, held by Save-On-Foods. we got the $50 tickets for FREE! and ate steak, salmon, potato salad, green salad, pudding, chips, and all that yummy BBQ food. we even scored awesome seats on the Bathhouse Roof at English Bay :D

YAY for fireworks! :)


my baby's in the car hospital...

i hit a pothole about a week ago and heard a loud bang from underneath my car. i was really worried so this morning i brought my car in for its first oil change and asked them to take a look at it for me. just got a call from Dr. Jack and he told me that the cradle of the right front tire got pushed back and the alignment is off! it's going to set me back $200 plus tax :( sigh...

dancing in the pale moonlight...

i had my second last ladies styling salsa class last night :) we learned 1 shine routine! :) and when i tried to show it to someone, they just laughed at me... do i look ridiculous when i dance?! i hope not! i better look sexy or else!!! :b