Miffy's Castle
A peek into the life of a princess in Hong Kong
my landlords are AWESOME
i guess it was BOUND to happen... after having a couple of landlords from hell, and one from a pig sty, i have been blessed with landlords who treat me well, almost as if i was their daughter :)
whenever i am home and they are making dinner, they invite me to eat with them. while renovations were going on, they would make it a priority to do whatever work was necessary in my room first or my bathroom first and while i was at work, so as not to inconvenience me. and in return i try to show them my appreciation -- i spent 5 hours fixing their computer and M sat with me mashing potatoes and keeping me company while i babysat windows xp. i spent some quality time with their children and their grandchildren. i also spent some time helping M with clean up during renovations... they've even invited me to spend time at their granddaughter's 2nd birthday celebration :D
they are incredibly nice people and are very genuine. i am going to miss them...
guys and their lines
so yesterday i was running across the street from my office towards Harbour Centre for lunch. i ran inbetween 2 parked trucks facing north as the street is a one-way. i noticed the second truck had 2 guys sitting in the front.
so as i ran across, i thought i heard someone whistle but i knew it couldn't have been directed at me.
so i just kept running across the street down the 2 small steps to the doors...
then i heard some guy shout behind me, "Hey! Hey! You dropped something!"
so i'm at the doors to Harbour Centre by now so I stop and turn around just in case it was i who had dropped something.
i yelled back, "Me?"
and the guy in the passenger side leaned out the window and shouted, "Yah! You dropped something!" and pointed to the ground right near the front of the truck.
so i squinted to see if i could see anything and started walking towards him...
then he said, "Oh wait... that was my jaw."
so how retarded is that?! that i only turn heads of guys in trucks making a delivery? why can't i turn the head of a doctor or a lawyer?! :P HAHA