It's a Saturday afternoon and I just spent a couple of hours trying to figure out how I can play the SATC complete series on my mac. To my dismay it seems that I absolutely can't without changing the region code blah blah blah. So I found a work-a-round which involves a PC (ick), a friend's advice, and an external HD and now I'm comfortably watching the first season...
And if you've ever watched SATC, you'll know where the title of this blog came from.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a major SATC freak... in fact I probably missed 90% of the SATC episodes. Not having a TV pretty much took me out of those giggly conversations at school. It ran for a total of 6 years and I hardly had a chance to watch it...
But now that SATC the movie is out, and I have access to the complete series, I thought it's time to get caught up :P
So that brings me to the real reason I'm blogging after what... 9 months :P and SATC got me thinking about this one question... have I ever been in love?
I think I have... once a long long LONG time ago. But now looking back, it wasn't love at first sight like you hear in fairy tales. I actually didn't think much of him at first and I guess you could say he grew on me and I think his love for me ran me right over -- like a mini-bus on the streets of HK.
The relationship didn't turn out great. In fact it went the opposite direction and at the end of the roller coaster ride, when the tornado passed and the black rain warning was lifted, I found myself empty as a shell wearing my favourite BCBG shoes :P
I got back on my feet and thought to myself.. that can't be real true love. So if that wasn't love, then what was it? Maybe I wanted to believe it was something when it really wasn't.
Well, it felt like love but now that I know it wasn't, will I know what love is when (or if) cupid throws it at me? And if he has already, did I just let it pass me by? Where is he anyways?